There's something captivating about an oil painting. The colours and tones that can be achieved are like no other medium. An oil portrait can take weeks, or even months, to complete - painted layer-by-layer, resulting in a rich depth and luminosity. They're an investment - a way of preserving a treasured moment or image for generations to come.


If you're interested in an oil portrait, whether it be for yourself or a gift, please contact me, and we can discuss what will make the perfect composition for you - it could be a traditional or a contemporary piece - and I will work with you to bring out the personality of the subject(s), which can be achieved by careful choice of pose/position, setting, motion and even of the colour palette.


Portraits are an investment. They are a way of preserving a treasured moment or image for generations to come. If you're interested in a pencil portrait, whether it be for yourself or a gift, please email me via my contact page, and we can discuss what will make the perfect composition for you - it could be a traditional or a contemporary piece, in colour pencil or graphite, or both, and perhaps you'd like a message/text included.


I love being asked to sketch or paint random pieces - buildings, monuments, landscapes, objects,  a quotation brought to life, you name it - even if it's weird... why not?


If you have something in mind that you would like painted or sketched, whether it be for yourself or a gift, or even an illustration for your wedding invitations, please email me via my contact page, to discuss what you have in mind.


I absolutely love getting lost in a Hidden Words piece. These are contemporary pieces where a client wishes for a portrait, a map of their life or a way to honour someone/something in an ambiguous and less exposed way. A Hidden Words piece takes words, images and symbols and intricately threads them together like a tapestry, to form an interesting and detailed composition which tells a story - only with some parts hidden. If a Hidden Words piece interests you, please email me via my contact page.


Once they enter your life, your pets are your best friends no matter what! They'll keep all your secrets and love you unconditionally. What better way to commemorate, or show that you cherish them than by commissioning a portrait? I'm always delighted to work on portraits of pets, from ants to zebras! If you're interested, whether it be for yourself or a gift, please email me via my contact page to discuss composition, medium (oil, watercolour, pencil, colour pencil, etc), colour palette, layout, and how to bring out the best of your pet.